Minors’ Hope

Between documentary filmmaking style and investigative journalism the film is trying to provide a general picture about the phenomenon of unaccompanied foreign minors telling the stories of 3 guys who were underage when they landed in Italy and following the research journey of their tutor; a supervisor of a reception centre for unaccompanied minors who deals with following the guys in the hosting structure but also feel like showing interest and helping them outside the structure, trying to study in deep what are their motives, how the state and its laws deal with them, what awaits them after leaving the house, what are the dangers that besiege them, and what are their pains and hopes.


Festivals and Screenings:

aljazeera doc logo AlJazeera Documentary Channel

Aljazerra World AlJazeera English

primed-2019 Primed – Festival de la Méditerranée en images, Marsiglia

Unicef Innocenti Film Festival UNICEF Innocenti Film Festival – Florence